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My Projects

Portfolio Website (Astro)

Portfolio Website (Astro)

Current portfolio website built with Astro and Tailwind CSS, showcasing my projects and skills.

Astro Tailwind CSS TypeScript

Portfolio Website (Next.js)

Portfolio Website (Next.js)

Previous version of my portfolio built with Next.js, demonstrating my skills and projects.

Next.js React TypeScript

Minecraft Landing Page

Minecraft Landing Page

A landing page for Minecraft built with Astro, showcasing game features and information.

Astro TypeScript Tailwind CSS



A full-stack application that consumes a dog API, built with React, Vite, Node, Express, Sequelize, and PostgreSQL.

React Vite Node.js Express Sequelize PostgreSQL

Rick and Morty Explorer

Rick and Morty Explorer

A web application that displays information from the Rick and Morty API, built with similar technologies to PerrAPI.

React Vite Node.js Express Sequelize PostgreSQL

Real Estate Landing v1

Real Estate Landing v1

A landing page for a real estate company, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML CSS JavaScript

Real Estate Landing v2

Real Estate Landing v2

Another landing page for a different real estate company, also built with HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript.

HTML SCSS JavaScript

FuxiaLab Landing Page

FuxiaLab Landing Page

A landing page for FuxiaLab, built with Next.js.

Next.js React TypeScript